Set it Off Like Jada

Set it Off like Jada

written July 6, 2016 at 2:19 am

I set it off
Knock you off
All in a row
Like the Queen in her corn rows
Set if off like I'm Jada
Stony McBony
Eyes in the back of my head a must
Look this way
I'll look that a way
Keep it Sway the Jake want answers
Reading you your rights
Ask the Ouija board
Cause now you on the slab
Can't talk give no answers
A broken tail light now you broken
Face all over the news
Mad Bland the mug shot but I
Can't look like it Emmitt Till
How the fuck the racism the terror still so ill
Don't wanna look up see strange fruit swinging
from the trees        Billy in his jeans
Rope around the neck while you pose in your hoods
KKK three strikes to strike you out
But it's not a crime if the boys in blue
pulling the tool
They rather break ya neck
Jump you stick you with broomsticks
I'm of the age of Rodney Diallo
Can we all just get along now just a punchline
But I saw the streets burning
and there was looting
O.J. glove not fitting
Trial of the century really?
Mad real shit going on in the hood
Distract us wag the dog always
Keep us fuckin and shoppin always
Cheese for brains
Focused on getting brain
Your brains like eggs fried and wasted
Dare to say no to drugs
How bih?
See this fucked up life I live???
Now I'm blowing medical
Can I live?



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